2022 Year in Review

As we near the end of 2022, we wanted to take the time to say thank you for your support, commitment, and generosity. It is the time of the year we like to look back and give thanks for the immense impact our incredible community partners have had on our ability to serve those in highest need.
With New Years right on our doorstep, it is easy to run headfirst into 2023. While we are equally excited for all the amazing things we will do together next year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the incredible community impact we have been able to achieve together as a team.
This year has been marked by incredible successes. See our annual report for all the incredible things you have helped make happen this past year!
Atlohsa Relaunches Winter Response Program
The Wiigiwaaminaan Winter Response Program is back! Building on the successes of last year’s winter response, we have continued to strengthen our partnerships with St. Joseph’s Health Care London and the City of London towards providing essential supports for some of the London community’s most displaced individuals. Learn more.
More Service Providers Trained in Cultural Safety
Over the past year, our Giiwitaabiwag Cultural Safety Training Program was able to provide multiple training sessions to over 400 service providers on skills for effectively supporting Indigenous peoples. The goal of the program is to inform and improve relationships with partner agencies so that Indigenous peoples who are experiencing homelessness can have better, more culturally relevant intakes and assessments in the community. If you or your organization is interested in learning, book a training session with us today.
Zhaawanong Re-opens its Doors to Women and Children Following Renovation Completion
Thanks to the incredibly generous contributions of our donors and supporters, we were able to complete much-needed renovations in order to make the space safer for women and children. The upgrades include meeting areas, kitchen upgrades, and youth spaces. These purpose-built spaces will provide a comforting place of safety to families who come to receive support and help, and will give them the dignity and privacy they deserve when fleeing their homes. Learn more.
Education on Human Trafficking Prevention Continues to Expand
Atlohsa's Okaadenige Program held 31 Anti-Human Trafficking outreach events and seminars focused on awareness through education and prevention. Okaadenige also partnered with several agencies within London to create a round table committee which focuses on trends, gaps and knowledge sharing to better support our community members and provide needed programming. Partners include London Abused Women’s Centre, The London Police Service, Children’s Aid Society, Thames Valley District School Board, London Family Court Clinic and Victim Services. Learn more.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2022
On September 30, 2022, we came together for a gathering at The Green at Wortley Village to honour our relatives who survived residential schools and to remember those who did not. The gathering featured Singing, Dancing, Prayer, and Information Booths. It was also an opportunity to create meaningful discussions, build awareness of the legacy and lasting impacts of residential schools and to inspire action, hope and healing. If you are looking for ways you can influence change in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, visit our education page.
ReconciliACTION: An (Un)Learning Series
Leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Atlohsa partnered with the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, Western University to host a month-long speaker series entitled ReconciliACTION: An (Un)Learning Series. Our goal was to collaborate with community to reconcile Canada’s ongoing settler colonialism with the loving future we envision for our communities. This series was an incredible success, with over 200 participants in attendance and has surpassed all our engagement and education goals. The learnings were incredibly impactful for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members alike. If you are interested in participating to any of Atlohsa's events, visit our events page.
Atlohsa's Community Liaison Role at LHSC
This year, Atlohsa’s Dylan White assumed the exciting new role of Atlohsa’s Community Liaison at LHSC. In his role, Dylan works to build and sustain relationships with Indigenous communities and agencies to co-construct a plan for LHSC to further advance Indigenous health equity. Learn more.
7 Grandfather Teachings with James Vukelich
On April 20, Atlohsa hosted the 7 Grandfather Teachings event with renowned linguist, international speaker, and author, James Vukelich. We had the honour of learning from James as he talked about the beauty weaved in the Ojibwe language as well as Ojibwe traditions, culture, and spirituality. Over 1,500 attendees worldwide joined us, making this Atlohsa's most successful virtual event to date.
Chi-Miigwech (Ojibwe), Yaw^ko (Oneida), Anushiik (Lenape), Thank you!
We are so grateful for the support of our partners and collaborators who help make our work possible. It is because of your generosity and compassion that we can provide essential supports and services to those who need it most.