The 2019 Atlohsa Peace Awards
Congratulations 2019 Honourees!
On November 7, 2019 we celebrated those who have made outstanding contributions, propelling social change in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation. Through media, arts, education and advocacy these trailblazers truly exemplify leadership in an era of rapid growth and change.
Introducing Atlohsa Peace Awards Rising Star
A new award category was added to this year’s honourees – the Atlohsa Peace Awards Rising Star. This award represents a youth, under 18 yrs of age, who has made an outstanding contribution to Indigenous culture and/or community. Congratulations River Christie-White!
Special thanks to all nominees!
Tamara Bernard, Nancy Buchanan, Lila Bruyere, Laura Crowe, Kelly Geris, Heather Hammond, Melissa Henry, Michelle Kennedy, Rose Marie Lands, Sister Kathleen-Lichti, Patricia Ningawance-Nadeau, Earnest W. Matton, Frances Moore, Amanda Myers, Brenda Okorogba, Tina Stevens, Amanda Kennedy
The Seven Grandfather Teachings
The Atlohsa Peace Awards honour 7 individuals or organizations each representing one of the Seven Grandfather Teachings.

Miigwech, Yaw^ko, Anushiik, Thank You.
Thank you to our sponsors, community partners, volunteers and guests for your unwavering support. Each and everyone of you helped make this remarkable evening possible.

Hawk Sponsor
Spirit Sponsors
Table Sponsors
In Kind Sponsors
Supporting women and children at risk of violence, abuse, sexual exploitation and homelessness.
More than 550 people attended this year’s Peace Awards. The funds raised will go to Atlohsa Family Healing Services essential needs including the Zhaawanong Shelter and the Okaadenige Anti-human Trafficking Program.