Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking to make a positive impact on the Indigenous community and help make a difference? Consider volunteering here at Atlohsa!
As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside our dedicated team and contribute your skills and talents towards supporting Indigenous community. From assisting with events and fundraisers, to helping with administrative tasks, there are a variety of ways to get involved.

Top 5 reasons why it's AWESOME to volunteer!
1. Your contributions directly benefit Indigenous community.
2. You get opportunities to network and build friendships with like-minded community.
3. Many personal and professional growth opportunities.
4. Gain skills that enhance your resume.
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY! This is a step toward reconciliation... together.

Volunteer Roles
Volunteer Coordinator - Determining volunteer requirements, recruitment, assigning roles.
Marketing and Communications - Assist with content creation, graphic design, photography.
Sponsorship and Corporate Relations - Fundraising, relationship building, stewardship.
Event Planning - Project management, meal planning & venue selection, talent/artist procurement.
Want to be the first to know about volunteer opportunities?
Be sure to bookmark this page, watch our socials, share to your networks, and check back for more opportunities to give.