September 30th is recognized federally as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, calling on everyone who lives in Canada to reflect on our responsibilities to support and heal alongside Indigenous communities enduring settler colonialism.
Since the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Report in 2015, the Yellowhead Institute reports that only 11 of the 94 Calls to Action have been completed. We recognize that this work cannot be done overnight. Decolonizing our hearts and minds requires us to reflect on the impact of colonization on Indigenous peoples and communities, and work year round to further personal and systemic reconciliation tasks.
Atlohsa and the Office of Indigenous Initiatives have partnered to invite you to learn and unlearn with us through our year-long speaker series entitled ReconciliACTION: Speaker Series offered at Wampum Learning Lodge at London, Ontario. We invite you to learn with us as we journey together towards radical truth telling and self-reflection to reconcile Canada’s ongoing settler colonialism with the loving future we envision for our communities. All are welcome.
Interactive Activities and Discussions
Interactive Activities and Discussions
Interactive Activities and Discussions
Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion